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The Heart of The Neighbourhood

The Heart of

The Neighbourhood

SickKids Virtual Urgent Care

Today's hours
Monday - Friday: 12pm - 7:30pm
Saturday: 10am - 5:30pm
Sunday: 12pm - 4:30pm
Beside LCBO

The SickKids virtual urgent care program offers a convenient way to get medical advice or care remotely using technology, such as a computer or smartphone. Answer some short questions using the symptom checker and you will be directed to the most appropriate care setting based on the information provided. This may include a virtual urgent care visit with a member of the SickKids Emergency Department clinical team, a recommendation to visit a primary care provider in your community along with educational information to assist you, or you may be directed to your local emergency department. The secure platform is available on any smartphone, tablet or computer with internet.

If you or your child are experiencing a medical emergency, please visit your local emergency department or call 911 immediately.

Virtual urgent care is for non-emergency situations.

Click here for more information.

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